Daniel M. Price

10 Sep 2014
Hussain Sajwani, Damac Park Avenue for Real Estate Development S.A.E., and Damac Gamsha Bay for Development S.A.E. v. Arab Republic of Egypt, ICSID Case No. ARB/11/16
Procedural Order Taking Note of the Discontinuance of the Proceedings Pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 44
4 Aug 2016
PJSC Ukrnafta v. The Russian Federation, UNCITRAL, PCA Case No. 2015-34
2 May 2016
PJSC Ukrnafta v. The Russian Federation, UNCITRAL, PCA Case No. 2015-34
2 May 2016
Stabil LLC and Others v. Russian Federation, UNCITRAL, PCA Case no. 2015-35
12 Apr 2019
Document provided by: IAReporter
26 Jun 2017
Document provided by: IAReporter
7 Jul 2023
Diag Human SE and Mr. Josef Stava v. Czech Republic, PCA Case No. 2018-20
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
19 Apr 2024
Glencore International A.G., C. I. Prodeco S.A., and Sociedad Portuaria Puerto Nuevo S.A. v. Republic of Colombia (II), ICSID Case No. ARB/19/22
Document provided by: ICSID Website