Arbitration Rules
Bottlenose Investments Limited v. Venezuela, Case No. XXXXX
Worley International Services v. Ecuador, PCA Case No. 2019-15
Azerbaijan v. Armenia, PCA Case No. 2023-65
Achmea B.V. v. The Slovak Republic, UNCITRAL, PCA Case No. 2013-12 (Number 2)
Ashok Sancheti v. United Kingdom, UNCITRAL
Domtar Inc. v. United States of America
Sergei Viktorovich Pugachev v. The Russian Federation, UNCITRAL
EDF International S.A. v. Republic of Hungary, UNCITRAL
Dawood Rawat v. The Republic of Mauritius, PCA Case 2016-20
Resolute Forest Products Inc. v Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2016-13