Arbitration Rules

Unisys Corporation v. Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/03/27
United Agencies Limited SA v. People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria (I), ICSID Case No. ARB/20/1
City-State N.V., Praktyka Asset Management Company LLC, Crystal-Invest LLC and Prodiz LLC v. Ukraine, ICSID Case No. ARB/14/9
Mohamed Abdel Raouf Bahgat v. Arab Republic of Egypt (II)
CC/Devas (Mauritius) Ltd., Telcom Devas Mauritius Limited, and Devas Employees Mauritius Private Limited v. Republic of India (II), PCA Case No. 2022-34
Eiser Infrastructure Limited and Energía Solar Luxembourg S.à r.l. v. Kingdom of Spain, ICSID Case No. ARB/13/36
Alverley Investments Limited and Germen Properties Ltd v. Romania, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/30
9REN Holding S.a.r.l v. Kingdom of Spain, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/15
Talal Al Awamleh, Arab Telemedia Services LLC and Ain Telemedia Studios LLC v. State of Qatar, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/38
American Manufacturing & Trading, Inc. v. Republic of Zaire, ICSID Case No. ARB/93/1 
