International Investment Agreement Name

Michael Ballantine and Lisa Ballantine v. The Dominican Republic, PCA Case No. 2016-17
Aaron C. Berkowitz, Brett E. Berkowitz and Trevor B. Berkowitz (formerly Spence International Investments and others) v. Republic of Costa Rica, ICSID Case No. UNCT/13/2  
Aaron C. Berkowitz, Brett E. Berkowitz and Trevor B. Berkowitz (formerly Spence International Investments and others) v. Republic of Costa Rica, ICSID Case No. UNCT/13/2  
Corona Materials LLC v. Dominican Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/14/3
TCW Group, Inc and Dominican Energy Holdings, L.P. v. Dominican Republic, PCA Case No. 2008-06
Aaron C. Berkowitz, Brett E. Berkowitz and Trevor B. Berkowitz (formerly Spence International Investments and others) v. Republic of Costa Rica, ICSID Case No. UNCT/13/2  
Aaron C. Berkowitz, Brett E. Berkowitz and Trevor B. Berkowitz (formerly Spence International Investments and others) v. Republic of Costa Rica, ICSID Case No. UNCT/13/2  
Railroad Development Corporation v. Republic of Guatemala, ICSID Case No. ARB/07/23
Aaron C. Berkowitz, Brett E. Berkowitz and Trevor B. Berkowitz (formerly Spence International Investments and others) v. Republic of Costa Rica, ICSID Case No. UNCT/13/2  
TCW Group, Inc and Dominican Energy Holdings, L.P. v. Dominican Republic, PCA Case No. 2008-06
