International Investment Agreement Name

ATA Construction, Industrial and Trading Company v. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, ICSID Case No. ARB/08/2
RENERGY S.à r.l. v. Kingdom of Spain, ICSID Case No. ARB/14/18
Mantenimientos, Ayuda a la Explotación y Servicios S.A. (MAESSA) and Sociedad Española de Montajes Industriales S.A. (SEMI) (formerly Consorcio GLP) v. Ecuador, ICC Case No. UNC 161/ASM
CC/Devas (Mauritius) Ltd., Telcom Devas Mauritius Limited, and Devas Employees Mauritius Private Limited v. Republic of India (II), PCA Case No. 2022-34
Puma Energy Holdings (Luxembourg) SARL v the Republic of Benin, SCC Case No. SCC EA 2017/092
Leaf Tobacco A. Michaelides S.A. and Greek-Albanian Leaf Tobacco & Co. S.A. v. Republic of Albania, ICSID Case No. ARB/95/1
Wang Jiazhu v. Republic of Finland
Telefónica, S.A. v. Republic of Colombia, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/3
Ascent Resources Plc and Ascent Slovenia Ltd v. Republic of Slovenia, ICSID Case No. ARB/22/21
Tekfen TML Joint Venture v Libya, ICC Case No. 21371/MCP/DDA
