Maritime International Nominees Establishment v. Republic of Guinea, ICSID Case No. ARB/84/4

Case type:
Applicable arbitration rules:
Investment treaty:
Applicable legal instruments:

Available documents

12 Jan 1981
US District Court for District of Columbia Decision
Claimant appointee:
Respondent appointee:
Claimant's counsel:
Respondent's counsel:
4 ICSID Reports 3
12 Nov 1982
US Court of Appeals District of Columbia Circuit Decision
Claimant appointee:
Respondent appointee:
Claimant's counsel:
Respondent's counsel:
4 ICSID Reports 8
27 Sep 1985
Belgian Tribunal of First Instance, Antwerp (Rechtbank van eerste aanleg) Decision (Dutch) (not public)
Claimant appointee:
Respondent appointee:
Claimant's counsel:
Respondent's counsel:
27 Sep 1985
Belgian Tribunal of First Instance, Antwerp (Rechtbank van eerste aanleg) Decision (English)
Claimant appointee:
Respondent appointee:
Claimant's counsel:
Respondent's counsel:
4 ICSID Reports 32
4 Dec 1985
Swiss Federal Tribunal Decision (French)
Claimant appointee:
Respondent appointee:
Claimant's counsel:
Respondent's counsel:
42 Annuaire suisse de droit international 69
4 Dec 1985
Swiss Federal Tribunal Decision (English)
Claimant appointee:
Respondent appointee:
Claimant's counsel:
Respondent's counsel:
4 ICSID Reports 39
13 Mar 1986
Geneva Tribunal of First Instance Decision (French)
Claimant appointee:
Respondent appointee:
Claimant's counsel:
Respondent's counsel:
1987 Swiss Arb. A. Bull. 28
13 Mar 1986
Geneva Tribunal of First Instance Decision (English)
Claimant appointee:
Respondent appointee:
Claimant's counsel:
Respondent's counsel:
4 ICSID Reports 41
7 Oct 1986
Geneva Bankruptcy Supervision Authority Decision (French)
Claimant appointee:
Respondent appointee:
Claimant's counsel:
Respondent's counsel:
4 ICSID Reports 45
7 Oct 1986
Geneva Bankruptcy Supervision Authority Decision (English)
Claimant appointee:
Respondent appointee:
Claimant's counsel:
Respondent's counsel:
26 ILM 382
6 Jan 1988
Claimant appointee:
Respondent appointee:
Claimant's counsel:
Respondent's counsel:
4 ICSID Reports 61
12 Aug 1988
Interim Order 1
Claimant appointee:
Respondent appointee:
Claimant's counsel:
Respondent's counsel:
22 Dec 1989
Decision of the Ad hoc Annulment Committee (English)
Document provided by: ICSID Website
Claimant appointee:
Respondent appointee:
Claimant's counsel:
Respondent's counsel:
Annulment Committee president:
Annulment Committee members:
4 ICSID Reports 79
20 Nov 1990
Order Taking Note of the Discontinuance (not public)
Claimant appointee:
Respondent appointee:
Claimant's counsel:
Respondent's counsel: