
9 Mar 2017
Ansung Housing Co., Ltd. v. People's Republic of China, ICSID Case No. ARB/14/25
Document provided by: ICSID Website
10 Oct 2018
Schindler Holding AG v. Republic of Korea, PCA Case No. 2019-44
Notice of Arbitration
5 Mar 2019
Schindler Holding AG v. Republic of Korea, PCA Case No. 2019-44
Terms of Appointment
2 Jan 2020
Schindler Holding AG v. Republic of Korea, PCA Case No. 2019-44
Procedural Order No. 1
7 Jan 2022
Schindler Holding AG v. Republic of Korea, PCA Case No. 2019-44
Procedural Order No. 2
18 Jul 2023
Schindler Holding AG v. Republic of Korea, PCA Case No. 2019-44
Interim Award on Costs