Attila Tanzi

1 Jan 2008
Italian Republic v. Republic of Cuba, ad hoc state-state arbitration
Document provided by: IAReporter
1 Jan 2008
Italian Republic v. Republic of Cuba, ad hoc state-state arbitration
Document provided by: IAReporter
15 Mar 2005
Italian Republic v. Republic of Cuba, ad hoc state-state arbitration
Document provided by: IAReporter
3 Feb 2020
Consutel Group S.p.A. in liquidazione v. People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, PCA No. 2017-33
22 May 2023
Sevilla Beheer B.V. and others v. Kingdom of Spain, ICSID Case No. ARB/16/27
Document provided by: IAReporter
30 Jan 2023
Sevilla Beheer B.V. and others v. Kingdom of Spain, ICSID Case No. ARB/16/27
Document provided by: IAReporter
11 Feb 2022
Sevilla Beheer B.V. and others v. Kingdom of Spain, ICSID Case No. ARB/16/27
Document provided by: IAReporter
11 Feb 2022
Sevilla Beheer B.V. and others v. Kingdom of Spain, ICSID Case No. ARB/16/27
Document provided by: IAReporter
3 Nov 2021
Alexander Nelin v. Republic of Cyprus, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/41
1 Nov 2021
Alexander Nelin v. Republic of Cyprus, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/41
Order of the Tribunal Taking Note of the Discontinuance of the Proceeding Pursuant to ICSID Administrative and Financial Regulation 14(3)(d