Juan Fernández-Armesto

3 Aug 2011
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
19 Jan 2011
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
30 Aug 2010
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
17 Sep 2010
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
21 Dec 2009
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
8 Apr 2009
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
10 Mar 2009
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
4 Jun 2008
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
4 Jun 2008
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
4 Jun 2008
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
10 Feb 2009
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
1 Mar 2010
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
15 Sep 2008
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
23 Jun 2008
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
14 Oct 2009
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
15 Sep 2011
Vito G. Gallo v. The Government of Canada, PCA Case No. 2008-03 (Formerly PCA Case No. 55798)
28 Mar 2011
Joseph Charles Lemire v. Ukraine, ICSID Case No. ARB/06/18
14 Jan 2010
Joseph Charles Lemire v. Ukraine, ICSID Case No. ARB/06/18
30 Aug 2010
Nova Scotia Power Incorporated (Canada) v. República Bolivariana de Venezuela, UNCITRAL
22 Apr 2010
Nova Scotia Power Incorporated (Canada) v. República Bolivariana de Venezuela, UNCITRAL
15 Apr 2009
Phoenix Action, Ltd. v. The Czech Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/06/5
6 Apr 2007
Phoenix Action, Ltd. v. The Czech Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/06/5
16 Jul 2009
TCW Group, Inc and Dominican Energy Holdings, L.P. v. Dominican Republic, PCA Case No. 2008-06
30 Jul 2009
TCW Group, Inc and Dominican Energy Holdings, L.P. v. Dominican Republic, PCA Case No. 2008-06
16 Dec 2008
TCW Group, Inc and Dominican Energy Holdings, L.P. v. Dominican Republic, PCA Case No. 2008-06
15 Aug 2008
TCW Group, Inc and Dominican Energy Holdings, L.P. v. Dominican Republic, PCA Case No. 2008-06
23 Jun 2008
TCW Group, Inc and Dominican Energy Holdings, L.P. v. Dominican Republic, PCA Case No. 2008-06
7 Jul 2011
Señor Tza Yap Shum v. The Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. ARB/07/6 
22 May 2014
SAUR International SA v. Republic of Argentina, ICSID Case No. ARB/04/4
Document provided by: IAReporter
18 Nov 2014
Flughafen Zürich A.G. and Gestión e Ingenería IDC S.A. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. ARB/10/19
Document provided by: IAReporter
29 Aug 2012
Flughafen Zürich A.G. and Gestión e Ingenería IDC S.A. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. ARB/10/19
18 Apr 2013
Abengoa S.A. y COFIDES S.A. v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/09/2
Document provided by: IAReporter
7 Jul 2023
Rusoro Mining Ltd. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/12/5
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
29 Jan 2019
Rusoro Mining Ltd. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/12/5
22 Aug 2016
Rusoro Mining Ltd. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/12/5
14 Jun 2013
Rusoro Mining Ltd. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/12/5
Challenge to Arbitrator Francisco Orrego Vicuña (Declined) (Not Public)
1 Aug 2012
Rusoro Mining Ltd. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/12/5
13 Dec 2016
Edenred S.A. v. Hungary, ICSID Case No. ARB/13/21
9 Jun 2015
Highbury International AVV, Compañía Minera de Bajo Caroní AVV, and Ramstein Trading Inc. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (II), ICSID Case No. ARB/14/10
7 Jul 2023
OI European Group B.V. (OIEG) v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. ARB/11/25
16 Feb 2022
OI European Group B.V. (OIEG) v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. ARB/11/25
Document provided by: IAReporter
4 Aug 2020
OI European Group B.V. (OIEG) v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. ARB/11/25
Document provided by: IAReporter
30 May 2023
OI European Group B.V. (OIEG) v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. ARB/11/25
Document provided by: IAReporter
4 Apr 2016
OI European Group B.V. (OIEG) v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. ARB/11/25
Document provided by: ICSID Website
10 Mar 2015
OI European Group B.V. (OIEG) v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. ARB/11/25
Document provided by: IAReporter
1 Aug 2001
Shell Nigeria Ultra Deep Limited v. Federal Republic of Nigeria, ICSID Case No. ARB/07/18
Order Taking Note of the Discontinuance of the Proceeding (not public)
13 May 2008
City Oriente Limited v. Republic of Ecuador and Empresa Estatal Petróleos del Ecuador (Petroecuador) [I], ICSID Case No. ARB/06/21
19 Nov 2007
City Oriente Limited v. Republic of Ecuador and Empresa Estatal Petróleos del Ecuador (Petroecuador) [I], ICSID Case No. ARB/06/21
12 Sep 2008
City Oriente Limited v. Republic of Ecuador and Empresa Estatal Petróleos del Ecuador (Petroecuador) [I], ICSID Case No. ARB/06/21
20 Sep 2021
Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2
Document provided by: ICSID Website
21 Jun 2019
Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2
26 Jun 2019
Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2
Document provided by: ICSID Website
3 Jan 2019
Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2
Document provided by: ICSID Website
11 Oct 2018
Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2
Document provided by: ICSID Website
3 Sep 2018
Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2
Document provided by: ICSID Website
30 Jul 2018
Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2
Document provided by: ICSID Website
2 Mar 2018
Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2
Document provided by: ICSID Website
23 Jan 2018
Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2
Document provided by: ICSID Website
30 Jun 2017
Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2
Document provided by: ICSID Website
23 May 2017
Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2
Document provided by: ICSID Website
14 Oct 2016
Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2
Document provided by: ICSID Website
29 May 2017
Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2
Document provided by: ICSID Website
24 Nov 2016
Lion Mexico Consolidated L.P. v. United Mexican States, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2
Document provided by: ICSID Website
6 Dec 2022
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
18 Nov 2020
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
17 Nov 2020
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
31 Aug 2020
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
31 Aug 2020
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
5 Nov 2020
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
1 Jul 2020
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
1 Jul 2020
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
7 Feb 2020
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
16 Apr 2020
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
28 Jan 2020
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
8 Nov 2019
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
13 Nov 2019
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
8 Nov 2019
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
13 Sep 2019
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
20 Jul 2019
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
21 May 2019
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
21 Jun 2019
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
7 Jun 2019
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
22 May 2019
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
10 May 2019
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
8 Mar 2019
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
14 Dec 2018
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
6 Sep 2016
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
5 Jul 2016
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
29 Aug 2018
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
25 Jul 2018
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
13 Jul 2018
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
12 Jul 2018
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
29 Jun 2018
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
29 Jun 2018
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
15 Jun 2018
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
15 Jun 2018
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
1 Jun 2018
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
1 Jun 2018
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
22 May 2018
Gramercy Funds Management LLC and Gramercy Peru Holdings LLC v. Republic of Peru, ICSID Case No. UNCT/18/2  
Document provided by: ICSID Website
20 Sep 2018
Álvarez y Marín Corporación S.A. and others v. Republic of Panama, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/14
Document provided by: IA Reporter
12 Sep 2018
Álvarez y Marín Corporación S.A. and others v. Republic of Panama, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/14
Document provided by: IA Reporter
4 Apr 2016
Álvarez y Marín Corporación S.A. and others v. Republic of Panama, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/14
Document provided by: ICSID Website
12 Nov 2016
Tenaris S.A. and Talta - Trading e Marketing Sociedade Unipessoal Lda. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. ARB/12/23
Document provided by: ICSID Website
1 Nov 2021
Pawlowski AG and Project Sever s.r.o. v. Czech Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/17/11
Document provided by: ICSID Website
16 Jun 2020
Pawlowski AG and Project Sever s.r.o. v. Czech Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/17/11
Document provided by: ICSID Website
6 Jan 2020
Pawlowski AG and Project Sever s.r.o. v. Czech Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/17/11
Document provided by: ICSID
13 Mar 2020
Pawlowski AG and Project Sever s.r.o. v. Czech Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/17/11
Document provided by: ICSID Website
14 Jul 2018
Pawlowski AG and Project Sever s.r.o. v. Czech Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/17/11
Document provided by: ICSID Website
13 Feb 2018
Pawlowski AG and Project Sever s.r.o. v. Czech Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/17/11
Document provided by: ICSID Website
7 Feb 2019
Anglo-Adriatic Group Limited v. Republic of Albania, ICSID Case No. ARB/17/6
11 May 2017
Anglo-Adriatic Group Limited v. Republic of Albania, ICSID Case No. ARB/17/6
15 Feb 2024
DP World Limited v. Kingdom of Belgium, ICSID Case No. ARB/17/21
Declaration of Brigitte Stern
15 Feb 2024
DP World Limited v. Kingdom of Belgium, ICSID Case No. ARB/17/21
Dissenting Opinion of Stanimir Alexandrov
15 Feb 2024
DP World Limited v. Kingdom of Belgium, ICSID Case No. ARB/17/21
Final Award
10 Jun 2019
PT Ventures, SGPS, S.A. v. Republic of Cabo Verde, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/12
Document provided by: ICSID Website
30 Nov 2018
PT Ventures, SGPS, S.A. v. Republic of Cabo Verde, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/12
Document provided by: ICSID Website
16 Nov 2018
PT Ventures, SGPS, S.A. v. Republic of Cabo Verde, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/12
Document provided by: ICSID Website
1 Nov 2018
PT Ventures, SGPS, S.A. v. Republic of Cabo Verde, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/12
Document provided by: ICSID Website
30 Nov 2015
PT Ventures, SGPS, S.A. v. Republic of Cabo Verde, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/12
Document provided by: ICSID Website
27 Aug 2019
Glencore International A.G. and C.I. Prodeco S.A. v. Republic of Colombia (I), ICSID Case No. ARB/16/6
Document provided by: IA Reporter
16 Nov 2020
The Carlyle Group L.P. and others v. Kingdom of Morocco, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29
Document provided by: ICSID Website
7 Sep 2020
The Carlyle Group L.P. and others v. Kingdom of Morocco, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29
Document provided by: ICSID Website
22 Jun 2020
The Carlyle Group L.P. and others v. Kingdom of Morocco, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29
Document provided by: ICSID Website
31 Jul 2019
The Carlyle Group L.P. and others v. Kingdom of Morocco, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29
Document provided by: ICSID Website
6 Jan 2021
The Carlyle Group L.P. and others v. Kingdom of Morocco, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29
Document provided by: ICSID Website
22 Dec 2020
The Carlyle Group L.P. and others v. Kingdom of Morocco, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29
Document provided by: ICSID Website
3 Dec 2020
The Carlyle Group L.P. and others v. Kingdom of Morocco, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29
Document provided by: ICSID Website
20 Jan 2020
The Carlyle Group L.P. and others v. Kingdom of Morocco, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29
Document provided by: ICSID Website
11 Oct 2019
The Carlyle Group L.P. and others v. Kingdom of Morocco, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29
20 Nov 2019
The Carlyle Group L.P. and others v. Kingdom of Morocco, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29
Document provided by: ICSID Website
13 Nov 2019
The Carlyle Group L.P. and others v. Kingdom of Morocco, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29
Document provided by: ICSID Website
1 Nov 2019
The Carlyle Group L.P. and others v. Kingdom of Morocco, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29
Document provided by: ICSID Website
1 Jun 2019
The Carlyle Group L.P. and others v. Kingdom of Morocco, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29
Document provided by: ICSID Website
31 Jul 2018
The Carlyle Group L.P. and others v. Kingdom of Morocco, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29
Document provided by: ICSID Website
30 Jan 2018
The Carlyle Group L.P. and others v. Kingdom of Morocco, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/29
Document provided by: ICSID Website
20 Feb 2024
LSG Building Solutions GmbH and others v. Romania, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/19
Document provided by: IAReporter
20 Feb 2024
LSG Building Solutions GmbH and others v. Romania, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/19
Document provided by: IAReporter
11 Jul 2022
LSG Building Solutions GmbH and others v. Romania, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/19
11 Jul 2022
LSG Building Solutions GmbH and others v. Romania, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/19
Document provided by: IAReporter
10 Oct 2019
LSG Building Solutions GmbH and others v. Romania, ICSID Case No. ARB/18/19
Document provided by: IA Reporter
7 Nov 2018
Cengiz İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S v. Libya, ICC Case No. 21537/ZF/AYZ
22 Jun 2021
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
1 Dec 2018
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
1 Aug 2018
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
31 Jul 2019
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
30 Jul 2019
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
29 Jul 2019
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
10 Jun 2018
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
27 Aug 2019
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
21 Aug 2019
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
10 Jul 2019
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
27 May 2019
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
15 Nov 2018
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
17 May 2018
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
29 Aug 2019
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
29 Jul 2019
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
28 Nov 2019
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
3 Oct 2019
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
19 Jul 2019
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
30 May 2019
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
28 Feb 2019
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
19 Nov 2018
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
12 Oct 2018
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
21 Sep 2018
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
28 Jul 2018
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
25 Jun 2018
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
11 Jun 2018
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
10 May 2018
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
15 Dec 2017
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
15 Nov 2017
OOO Manolium Processing v. Republic of Belarus, PCA Case No. 2018-06
22 Apr 2024
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
15 Mar 2024
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
25 Jun 2024
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
7 Feb 2024
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
7 Feb 2024
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
27 Nov 2023
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
1 Dec 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
6 Dec 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
5 Dec 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
3 Dec 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
2 Dec 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
1 Dec 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
30 Nov 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
28 Nov 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
26 Aug 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
30 May 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
13 May 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
25 Apr 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
20 Apr 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
14 Apr 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
6 Apr 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
21 Mar 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
7 Mar 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
25 Feb 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
29 Nov 2021
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
11 Nov 2021
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
5 Nov 2021
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
3 Nov 2021
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
1 Oct 2021
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
20 Oct 2021
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
23 Jul 2021
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
31 May 2021
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
17 May 2021
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
15 Apr 2021
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
23 Mar 2021
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
11 Jan 2021
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
14 Dec 2020
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
14 Dec 2020
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
4 Dec 2020
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
20 Nov 2020
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
3 Mar 2023
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor State Law Guide
23 Dec 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor-State LawGuide
2 Dec 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: Investor-State LawGuide
30 Nov 2022
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
Document provided by: IAReporter
14 Oct 2020
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
4 Aug 2020
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
20 May 2020
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
20 Mar 2020
Patel Engineering Limited (India) v. Republic of Mozambique, PCA Case 2020-21
3 Feb 2020
Slot Group a.s. v. Republic of Poland, PCA Case No. 2017-10
Award (not public)
19 Apr 2022
Slot Group a.s. v. Republic of Poland, PCA Case No. 2017-10
Document provided by: IAReporter
5 Apr 2024
SREW N.V. v. Ukraine, ICSID Case No. ARB/21/52
Decision to Suspend Proceeding for Non-Payment of the Required Advances Pursuant to ICSID Administrative and Financial Regulation 16(2)(b)
28 Oct 2021
SREW N.V. v. Ukraine, ICSID Case No. ARB/21/52
Registration of Request for Arbitration
11 Mar 2024
Encavis AG and others v. Italian Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/20/39
Document provided by: ICSID Website
21 May 2022
Encavis AG and others v. Italian Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/20/39
Document provided by: ICSID Website
21 May 2022
Encavis AG and others v. Italian Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/20/39
Document provided by: ICSID Website
15 Jun 2022
Encavis AG and others v. Italian Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/20/39
Document provided by: IAReporter
26 Nov 2021
Amir Masood Taheri v. United Arab Emirates, ICSID Case No. ARB/21/19
Document provided by: ICSID Website
17 Nov 2021
Amir Masood Taheri v. United Arab Emirates, ICSID Case No. ARB/21/19
Document provided by: ICSID Website
28 Nov 2022
Amir Masood Taheri v. United Arab Emirates, ICSID Case No. ARB/21/19
Document provided by: IAReporter
13 Oct 2023
Vasilisa Ershova and Jegor Jeršov v. Republic of Bulgaria, ICSID Case No. ARB/22/29
Document provided by: ICSID Website
25 Jul 2023
Vasilisa Ershova and Jegor Jeršov v. Republic of Bulgaria, ICSID Case No. ARB/22/29
Document provided by: IAReporter
18 Jul 2023
Vasilisa Ershova and Jegor Jeršov v. Republic of Bulgaria, ICSID Case No. ARB/22/29
Document provided by: IAReporter
22 Sep 2023
Vasilisa Ershova and Jegor Jeršov v. Republic of Bulgaria, ICSID Case No. ARB/22/29
Document provided by: IAReporter
6 Dec 2016
WCV World Capital Ventures Cyprus Ltd. & Channel Crossings Ltd. v. Czech Republic, PCA Case No. 2016-12
Document provided by: IAReporter
29 Sep 2020
WCV World Capital Ventures Cyprus Ltd. & Channel Crossings Ltd. v. Czech Republic, PCA Case No. 2016-12
Document provided by: IAReporter
25 Apr 2018
WCV World Capital Ventures Cyprus Ltd. & Channel Crossings Ltd. v. Czech Republic, PCA Case No. 2016-12
Document provided by: IAReporter
26 Jul 2023
WCV World Capital Ventures Cyprus Ltd. & Channel Crossings Ltd. v. Czech Republic, PCA Case No. 2016-12
Document provided by: IAReporter
8 Sep 2023
APM Terminals Management Barcelona, S.L.U. (formerly named Grup Maritim TCB, S.L.) v. Republic of Guatemala, ICSID Case No. CONC/23/1
Registration of Request for Conciliation
6 Sep 2024
APM Terminals Management Barcelona, S.L.U. (formerly named Grup Maritim TCB, S.L.) v. Republic of Guatemala, ICSID Case No. CONC/23/1
Conciliation Report
29 May 2023
Inter Rao V. CELEC (ECUADOR), CAM Caso No. 3568-18
Document provided by: IAReporter
25 Sep 2023
Reficar Columbia v. CB&I Co., ICC Case No. 21747/RD  
Document provided by: IAReporter
22 Sep 2023
Reficar Columbia v. CB&I Co., ICC Case No. 21747/RD  
Document provided by: IAReporter
19 Dec 2018
Reficar Columbia v. CB&I Co., ICC Case No. 21747/RD  
Document provided by: IAReporter
2 Jun 2023
Reficar Columbia v. CB&I Co., ICC Case No. 21747/RD  
Document provided by: IAReporter
1 Nov 2023
JSC DTEK Krymenergo v. Russian Federation, PCA Case No. 2018-41
Document provided by: IAReporter
18 Aug 2021
Enel Fortuna S.A. v. Republic of Panama, ICSID Case No. ARB/19/5
30 Nov 2022
Cyprus Popular Bank Public Co. Ltd. v. Hellenic Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/14/16
15 Apr 2021
Cyprus Popular Bank Public Co. Ltd. v. Hellenic Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/14/16